Emergency Response & Salvage Services
We provide a wide variety of Marine Emergency Response services. Namely and most commonly are pollution control and salvage of marine assets.

Oil Spill and Pollution Clean Up Services
Pollution Control: We deal with pollution and environmental remediation and spill response. Spills such as oil and fuel spills on the water and land. We will contain the spill and prevent further spreading of the contaminate. We will then recover the contaminate and make sure the source is removed to avoid further release of pollutants into the environment.
When this happens on the water we use Spill Boom that floats on the surface of the Ocean and surrounds the source that is leaking pollutants (i.e ships that ran aground on rocks, a pipeline that is leaking, etc.).
Marine Salvage Services
Marine Salvage: We routinely perform salvage services. This involves recovering an asset that is compromised. Most commonly, this involves an asset over the water, such as a vessel or barge that is having issues and in a dire situation that can lead to loss of life and or property. We deploy divers to assess the condition of the assets underwater and make temporary or permanent repairs.
We deploy tug boats, barges, and other marine assets to perform remediation of the asset and assist in removing the threat of environmental harm.
Hazardous Ocean Material Removal Services
Hazard Material Removal: We deploy a wide variety of skilled labor who are Hazard Material (HAZWOPPER) trained to work with contaminates and remediate them. We are constantly utilizing our commercial diving teams to recover cargo or valuables that have fallen into the Ocean.
Marine Emergency Response Services