Marine Transportation Services Coast to Coast

American Marine Corporation operates a fleet of ocean-going tugboats, crew boats, dive vessels, deck barges, crane barges, and work vessels have been serving the West Coast, East Coast, Gulf Coast, Pacific Islands, and Alaska since the 1970s.

Our vessels are manned by construction oriented crews who have the knowledge and understand the discipline required to see complex projects through to safe and timely completion.  We operate in harbors and work sites that require extensive local knowledge in order to successfully complete projects without incidents.

American Marine Corporation maintains its fleet to high industry standards through following compliance and guidelines for the American Waterways Operators (AWO), Coast Guard and local regulations. Vessels and compliance standards are reviewed annually to ensure our operations stay safe.

Some of our capabilities include: 

Ocean Logistics Support

We provide a wide variety of ocean logistics support for all sorts of projects, including emergency response or salvage of a vessel in distress or when compromised.

We assist other marine assets and companies during bad weather when they need more tugboats on-site to prevent injury. Or provide support when a 3rd party company hires us as a local provider.


Ocean Cargo Tows

Open ocean towing and logistics involves deep water tows and transfer of personnel and cargo from point A to point B.

We have gone as far as Africa, across the Gulf of Mexico and through the Panama Canal, up and down the West Coast and West Coast mainland to Hawaii and Wake Island.

We do an annual run from Honolulu to Wake Island and the Outer Pacific islands to tow barges with supplies and goods for the Islands.

The goods come from the mainland and arrive in Honolulu, get re-arranged, and we tow a barge with the specific goods out to Wake Island and surrounding islands (Guam, America Samoa, Midway, etc.).

View our ocean cargo towing boats

Construction Support

We have a fleet of support vessels ranging from small on-site crafts, barges, and tugboats that support marine construction projects.

We deliver aggregate for construction such as rocks, sand, gravel to a construction site, and equipment to perform the work (Cranes, excavators, dozers, etc.).

View our fleet of barges with construction equipment


Dredging Support

We operate dredging equipment and have vessels such as on-site support vessels and tug boats that can tow the dredging barge and equipment to site and tow dump scows (barges that hold the dredged material from the ocean floor) offshore for disposal.

We perform dredging in house, but also offer vessels to support other companies that may need support.

Oil Tanker Tending

When oil tankers and barges arrive in port, we have tugboats to help them into Harbor. We also can transfer them from one Harbor to the next.

  • Ocean oil barge tows
  • Ship support/stores

We bring ship stores and cargo out to vessels that are not coming into port or need emergency supplies delivered offshore.

View our fleet of ocean cargo towing boats

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Water Taxi Services

We operate a fleet of crew boats that transfer personnel and cargo from port to ships/vessels.

This operation is focused mainly on the Port of Los Angeles/Port of Long Beach and services the tanker and container ships from Asia and travel up and down the West Coast.

View our fleet of crew boats and small vessels

Oceanographic Surveying/Scientific Research

We have vessels that can get outfitted with scientific equipment to perform research and testing. We perform work for the Department of Defense and Military to test their equipment in a marine environment, and the vessels can house the engineers and staff. We get hired to perform surveys of the ocean off our vessels.

View our fleet of crew boats and small vessels


Diving Vessel Support

We have a fleet of Diving Support Vessels (DSV). These are used to perform our diving services at each of our locations and are mobile with complete dive packages onboard.

Learn more about our diving services