Commercial Marine Safety
Safety Through Excellence In Operations
American Marine Corporation’s commitment to Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Quality (HSSEQ) is considered such a top priority that it is a key component of our Corporate Culture.
At American Marine Corporation our number one asset is our employees. As reflected in our Mission Statement, a project is not considered successful unless it is completed without incident.
To accomplish our Corporate Goal of Zero Incidents, our organization has instilled a high regard for our Safety Culture and we make it a priority that the culture is embraced by all our employees.
AMC is proud to have received multiple Industry Safety Awards which showcase our industry leading Safety track record.
Working in a high risk environment our commitment to Safety goes beyond manuals and memos. It is a responsibility that all our Employees believe in and actively participate in to ensure everyone arrives home safely.
2022 Safety Awards
The American Shore and Beach Preservation Association honored AMC with a National Award for the Best Restored Beach for the Waikiki sand replenishment project.
2021 Safety Awards
GCA Hawaii Safety Award Federal & Heavy 1 to 109,999, AGC Zero Incident Rate, GCA Zero Incident Rate

2014 Safety Awards
Governor’s Safety Award of Excellence-State of Alaska