Marine Transportation

Marine Transportation Services in Alaska, California, and Hawaii.

American Marine Corporation’s operation of eight ocean-going tugboats, six crew boats, and several dive vessels, barges, and marine watercraft have been serving the West Coast, East Coast, Gulf Coast, Pacific Islands, and Alaska for over 30 years.

Our vessels are manned by construction oriented crews who understand the discipline required to see projects through to safe and timely completion.

American Marine Corporation maintains its fleet to high industry standards through following compliance and guidelines for the American Waterways Operators (AWO). Vessels and compliance standard are reviewed annually to ensure AWO is followed.

See our operated fleet here.

Some of our more common tasks are:

Ocean logistics support
Ocean cargo tows
Construction support
Dredging support
Oil tanker tending
Ocean oil barge tows
Ship support/stores
Water taxi services
Oceanographic surveying
Diving support
West to East Coast tows