Wailoa SBH Maintenance Dredging

Wailoa Hawaii Emergency Dredging Project with American Marine Corporation

Project Name: Wailoa SBH Maintenance Dredging
Location: Hilo, Hawaii
Year: 2024

AMC was hired by the State of Hawaii to provide emergency dredging at Wailoa River Basin in the Fall of 2024.  The water depth had filled into dangerously shallow levels that created a hazards for the critical fishing and local boating community.  AMC mobilized our spud barge with dredging excavator efficiently and quickly to remedy this critical situation. 

The project was a success finishing on time with roughly 23,000CY of material dredged and deepening the channel to 8ft depth.  The dredged material was sorted in a dewater basin on land and then trucked to a County Facility for the State to re-use the high quality material for other State projects. 

The project had unique conditions that AMC overcame using our over 50 years of experience dredging in the State of Hawaii.  Conditions like high currents from rain runoff, rough water conditions, monsoon rain storms, as well as floating debris that interrupted dredging operations. 

AMC has been doing business in the State of Hawaii since 1975 performing specialized projects like the one at Wailoa.

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DredgingToday.com Report About Wailoa River Recreation Area