Submarine Portion Removal of Old Sylmar Ground Return System

Submarine Portion Removal of Old Sylmar Ground Return System

AMC was hired as the prime contractor by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) to remove, demo, and dispose of the retired submarine portion of the Sylmar Ground Return System. We removed 26 concrete underwater vaults that measured 11’x7’x6’ and weighed over 20 tons each, over 10,000 feet of submarine power cable, over 25 concrete clump weights, marker buoys, and other related debris about one mile offshore in Santa Monica Bay in depths ranging from 40-65 feet. All components of this system were taken back to our waterfront facility at Berth 270-271 in the Port of Los Angeles for demolition and land disposal. LADWP is a valued client of ours and we are happy to complete another safe and successful project for them!